Personnel associated with the University of Guelph Insect Collection have been involved with a variety of different survey projects over the last few decades, including both formal and informal studies. The following links provide species’ lists for several of the formal studies and are dated to the completion of the project; additional material and identifications have been included since, but the data provided here represents the diversity known at the completion of that project for future comparisons. Several informal surveys and partial surveys were also conducted but are not discussed below. Please contact Dr. Steven Paiero for inquiries on access to current lists. Specimen information from these lists is also available on Canadensys.
Bruce Peninsula Insect Survey
The Bruce Peninsula Insect Survey Project was a intensive survey project, initiated by Scott Parker of Parks Canada as a first step towards a comprehensive inventory of the species found in the Bruce Peninsula National Park, but it eventually extended to include the entire peninsula. The Bruce Peninsula species list is based mostly on specimens taken by Dr Steve Marshall as part of the Bruce Peninsula Insect Survey (1999 – 2001), but also includes data from specimens taken by various collectors both before and after that period. The current species list of around 3300 species lacks at least 100 species collected there since the completion of the project, and probably represents no more than 75% of the actual fauna.
Dunes Insect Survey
The Ontario Dunes Survey, 2004, was an initiative focused on documenting the insect fauna associated with dune habitats where the provincially threatened Pitcher’s Thistle was found. This included sites in Pukaskwa National Park and adjacent properties, several sites on Manitoulin Island, and sites on the Bruce Peninsula (including Inverhuron Provincial Park and Dorcas Bay). This added further information on Ontario’s dune insects from previous survey efforts of the habitat on the Bruce Peninsula (see above). There is not currently an available copy of the final report but specimen data is hosted on the Canadensys website.
Kip Fleming/Misery Bay Alvar Insect Survey
This was a formal survey of two alvar sites on Manitoulin Island, in 2010, to document the broader fauna of this unique habitat. It was supported by both the NCC and Ontario Parks. The species list (included in the formal report) for the two sites include a number of uncommonly encountered insects, including several that were new provincial records.
Lake Erie Islands
The Lake Erie Islands, from an Ontario perspective, include Pelee Island, Middle Island and East Sister Island. Pelee Island has been opportunistically sampled over the years during visits there by Guelph personnel, along with an informal Malaise trap sampling program in 2002. Middle Island and East Sister Island are both Parks Canada properties, and specially authorized trips (2003 and 2018) have been made with permission from Parks Canada (and with staff) to both islands. This species list is largely limited to these brief but intense efforts of collecting, but further sampling is needed to truly appreciate the diversity that may occur on these island.
Lambton County Insect Survey
The Lambton County insect survey was a project undertaken by Dr Jeff Skevington and colleagues from 1991-1994 to document the insects of the oak savannah in the region and a large portion of the material collected during the project was deposited at the University of Guelph Insect Collection. An earlier version of this list was hosted here, but the published account of this work, “Insects of North Lambton“, is now available as a pdf.
Ojibway Prairie Insect Survey
We have a long history documenting the insects of the Ojibway Prairie Provincial Nature Reserve and adjacent sites within the Ojibway Prairie complex. Our study of this rich and unique fauna culminated in an intensive survey of the park in 2001-2003 and the publication of this species list and the associated paper. We have continued to document the fauna of this amazing park, including focused work on specific taxa and an updated 2022 list is provided here. For general information on the fauna and flora of Ojibway Prairie, please also check out Ojibway Nature Centre website.
Point Pelee National Park
DEBU personnel have been documenting the insect fauna of Point Pelee for a long time (our oldest record is from 1890), with more intensive collecting efforts in the late 1970’s-1980’s and two formal surveys: one broad in 1999-2000, and a smaller directed survey in 2003. This species list is a result of all those efforts.
Rondeau Provincial Park
The Rondeau Provincial Park species list was generated from a general insect survey of the park in 2003 (with additional sampling in 2004), along with the inclusion of historical material to enhance our understanding of the fauna. Additional sampling, including work that spurred on the Cerceris fumipennis project, opportunistic sampling, and identifications have further increased our understanding of the fauna.
Scott Lake Brachycera and selected nematoceran Diptera
The Scott Lake species list was an informal project, based on visits to Scott Lake (Algonquin Park) in the 1990’s that focused on the fly fauna of the area. It was intended to serve as a preliminary species list for the broader park.